Shock Cells

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Hitech shock cells are unique shock absorbers primarily used for the protection of offshore platforms. A specifically formulated, very resilient rubber element is sandwiched between two eccentric steel tubes that constitute the shock cells.
Shock cells are excellent at both lateral and axial deflection and can absorb a lot of energy with very low reaction force. They are excellent for offshore applications because of their compact footprint and a high degree of versatility.
To increase energy absorption and use along a barge bumper, shock cells can also be fitted with an eccentric bumper ring. For varied load scenarios and pile diameters, Hitech provides shock cells in a range of tube sizes and lengths.


  • Excellent lateral and axial load absorption capability
  • Can be supplied with a flange to easily install on the offshore jacket
  • Small footprint thus ideal for offshore application
  • Can be supplied with an EBR
  • each shock cell can be load tested at full scale at out testing facility
  • Easy installation


  • Offshore Platform Jackets
  • Offshore wind farms
  • Boat landing
  • Barge bumper




Hitech shock cell

Hitech shock cells are unique shock absorbers primarily used for the protection of offshore platforms. A specifically formulated, very resilient rubber element is sandwiched between two eccentric steel tubes that constitute the shock cells.
Shock cells are excellent at both lateral and axial deflection and can absorb a lot of energy with very low reaction force. They are excellent for offshore applications because of their compact footprint and a high degree of versatility.

Hitech shock cell with eccentric bumper ring (EBR)

Hi-Tech Shock Cell with EBR provides superior load absorption capacity and the ability to directly connect a bumper post. Thus barge bumper worldwide utilises shock cells with EBR.

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Shock Cells

Hitech shock cells are unique shock absorbers primarily used for the protection of offshore platforms. A specifically formulated, very resilient rubber element is sandwiched between two eccentric steel tubes that constitute the shock cells.
Shock cells are excellent at both lateral and axial deflection and can absorb a lot of energy with very low reaction force. They are excellent for offshore applications because of their compact footprint and a high degree of versatility.
To increase energy absorption and use along a barge bumper, shock cells can also be fitted with an eccentric bumper ring. For varied load scenarios and pile diameters, Hitech provides shock cells in a range of tube sizes and lengths.

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