M-Type Fenders

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The Hi-Tech ‘M’ Type Fender represents a highly effective and efficient design among the array of solid dock fenders currently available. The fender’s distinctive ‘M’ shape is specifically engineered to absorb high levels of energy with comparatively lower reaction force and enables a larger contact area that reduces face pressure. Moreover, the Fender’s multi-directional stress dispersion capabilities contribute to enhanced durability, and the single-piece mold construction guarantees a prolonged service life. The Fender’s versatility is further reinforced by the availability of varying sizes and lengths, providing a diverse range of energy absorption options that render it highly suitable for a multitude of applications.


• High Energy Absorption with Low Reaction Force
• Wider Contact Face and Low Face Pressure
• Single Piece Compression Moulded Body
• Multi Direction Stress Distribution at Maximum Deflection
• Strong Against Shear Forces
• Durable and Easy to Install
• Maintenance Free


• General Cargo Berth
• Bulk Cargo Berth
• Barge/Tug Jetty
• Bridge Pile Protection
• RORO Terminal

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M-Type Fenders

The Hi-Tech ‘M’ Type Fender represents a highly effective and efficient design among the array of solid dock fenders currently available. The fender’s distinctive ‘M’ shape is specifically engineered to absorb high levels of energy with comparatively lower reaction force, and enables a larger contact area that reduces face pressure. Moreover, the fender’s multi-directional stress dispersion capabilities contribute to enhanced durability, and the single-piece mould construction guarantees a prolonged service life. The fender’s versatility is further reinforced by the availability of varying sizes and lengths, providing a diverse range of energy absorption options that render it highly suitable for a multitude of applications.

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